Vehicle Buyers Guide: Top 10 Secrets for Getting the Most Out of Your Test Drive

test drive

The fact is that a test drive is extremely important when purchasing a vehicle, but it does not have to be a difficult process.

Read on for a few simple steps to follow to get the most out of your next test drive!

#1 Hit the books:

Do a little reading up on the vehicle you are test-driving a few days before the appointment. Search for reviews from reputable publications, as well as consumer reviews online and by word of mouth. Weigh all the facts, but don’t jump to any conclusions before driving.

#2 Pay attention:

Listen closely to your salesperson and carefully inspect the vehicle before beginning your test drive. Technology is always changing, so don’t miss out on a feature just because you didn’t notice it. Plus, don’t forget to buckle up!

#3 Don’t get surprised:

Ensure you and the salesperson walk around the vehicle and inspect for any existing damage or defect. Check gas levels and perform comfort adjustments before leaving the lot. Ask your salesperson about any concerns. Clarify or rephrase your question if the answer is unsatisfactory.

#4 Skip the tunes:

We all like to test out a new sound system, but save it for the lot– music can muffle our disguise vehicle noises that can be unpleasant when you want a quiet ride. Also, noises can indicate problems that need to be addressed before you purchase the vehicle.

#5 Get a second opinion:

Whether it’s an optimistic attitude or a devil’s advocate, bringing another person is a great way to help you select your next vehicle. Two heads are better than one, as a second person often sees, hears or feels things that you might overlook.

#6 Embrace your routine:

Replicating your everyday driving habits is essential to test-driving. While it’s fun to experiment in a new vehicle, it will mostly be used for the things you do on a regular basis. Try driving to work and back, visiting your grocery store or even stopping by a close friend’s house.

# 7 Visualize the future:

While you may be satisfied with your test drive vehicle in the moment, does it fit your life as you see it in a year from now? In five years? In ten years? It may seem like a long time, but a vehicle is a major investment and can accomplish hundreds of thousands of kilometres if well maintained. Consider lifestyle choices such as careers, living situations and family plans while you are driving the vehicle.

#8 Size it up:

Park, turn and maneuver the vehicle as much as possible during your test drive. Getting a feel for the vehicle’s size helps determines your comfort level behind the wheel.

# 9 Don’t watch the clock:

Negotiate a generous timeline for your test drive. Whether the salesperson accompanies you or not, focusing too much on the remaining time can detract from the experience.

# 10 Compare similar vehicles:

So you enjoyed the test drive? Great! But don’t fall head-over-heels just yet. Try out vehicles in the same class from different.

Ready To Ride?

Heartland Ford knows that a test drive can be a stressful and potentially frustrating experience, even for long-time drivers. If you’re in the market for a brand new 2017 Ford or are just exploring some used vehicle options, we’d love to take you out for a spin!

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