2018 The Year of Oil & Gas?

According to popular Oil & Gas recruitment hub Oilfield Jobs Shop, 2018 may be a year of recovery when it comes to new job creation.

Canada is currently one of the richest nations in the world, and the Canadian economy is expected to pick up steam in 2018, pumping out real GDP growth of 2% for the year, according to the latest forecasts.

Alberta Oil Sands

Of course it has derived this wealth from the country’s industries, one of which is the oil sands industry, particularly in Alberta. The province has one of the world’s largest petroleum reserve as well as the United States of America’s largest oil supplier, the Athasbasca Oil Sands Deposits, which has accounted for thousands of jobs in the past, and with the recent approval of Keystone XL, there are very likely thousands more to come

What Do You Mean By Oil Sands?

This is where heavy crude oil is extracted from a soil mixture of clay or sand and water. In Alberta, oil sands companies have to work in crude oil extraction 24 hours everyday and forego business days and holidays.

This is because aside from being one of the world’s top oil exporters, Canadians also consume more energy than the rest of the world.

So, What Positions are Open for the Oil Sands Industry in Canada in 2018?

Canada’s oil sands industry is especially in need of laborers to work in the oil sands mine as well as those who specialize in these engineering fields: environment, mechanical, instrumentations, mining or mineral processing, operations, and reservoir.

There are also openings right now for technicians, quality assurance inspectors, on-site nurses, safety officers, computer analysts, and on-site operators

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